News for users of DiskMaster II!

With the last public beta I've added locale support to DM2.

You'll find it on my homepage together with a new
version of the :

English is built in, German, French and Nederlands catalogs are
in the archive and an Italian catalog will be added to the
soon to be released 2.5RC2 archive.

Now I'm looking for translators.

There are only 59 small strings to be translated:

"Close all visitor windows!"
"Out of memory!"
"File move error!"
"Font is proportional!"
"Total: %s - Not enough room!"
"Delete Failed!"

The fully user-defineable buttons and menus keep the .catalog small!

So if you like to contribute a translation for your native language
then please don't hesitate and do it!
Well, it's maybe a good idea to send me a mail first... (Rudolph Riedel)

Have a nice day - Rudolph

P.S: Anyone out there who bought AmigaOS XL and is not
     using his Amithlon licence? ;-)