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   Source for this PlantUML state diagram
   see plantuml.com
/` java -jar plantuml.jar participant-state-model.txt `/
[*] --> NotEnlisted

state "NotEnlisted" as NotEnlisted
NotEnlisted : "The participant is not\n associated with any LRA"

state NotEnlisted {
  NotEnlisted --> Enlisted : joinLRA
  Enlisted --> NotEnlisted : completed
  Enlisted --> NotEnlisted : compensated
  Enlisted --> NotEnlisted : forget
  Enlisted --> NotEnlisted : leave

state Enlisted {
  [*] --> Active : join
  Active : "The participant has joined the LRA and has not yet been asked to compensate or complete"
  note left of Active : initial state
  Active --> Compensating : compensate
  state "FailedToCompensate" as FailedToCompensate
  FailedToCompensate : "Must wait for the\n forget message"
  state "FailedToComplete" as CannotComplete
  CannotComplete : "Must wait for the\n forget message"
  state "Compensating" as Compensating
  Compensating : "The participant was\nnotified that the\nLRA was cancelled"
  state "Completing" as Completing
  Completing : "The participant was\nnotified that the\nLRA was closed"
  state "Completed" as Completed
  Completed : "Participant can now clean up and forget\nthe LRA or must wait for forget message\nif enlisted in nested LRA"
  state "Compensated" as Compensated
  Compensated : "Participant can now clean up\nand forget the LRA"

  Compensating --> Compensated
  Compensating --> FailedToCompensate

  Active --> Completing : complete
  Completing --> Completed
  Completing --> CannotComplete
  Completed --> Compensating : compensate (transition is only allowed \nif the participant is enlisted in nested LRA)