  Added: New Scraper "TotallyCoolPix.com"
  Added: New Scraper "Time.com: LightBox - Closeup"
  Changed: How using 'keep' as default aspect-ratio (press 0 or set in settings to change)
  Fixed: html codes in title from some "Atlantic in focus" albums
  Changed: The spinning loading animation logic
  Fixed: ATV2-Remote Keymaps

  Fixed import error

  New plugin-way for scrapers
  Fixed: Wallstreetjournal Scraper
  Fixed: Sacramento Bee Scraper
  Fixed: Visible-conditions in Eden
  Fixed: Back-key in Eden
  Code Improvements

  Added: New Scraper: 'The Atlantic: In Focus'
  Removed: Scraper 'Boston.com: The Big Shot' - outdated
  Added: Function and Setting for changing the aspect-ratio of the Pictures
  Improved: Caching of HTML-Pages (much faster now)
  Improved: Rewrote the multi-scraper-logic
  Fixed: The Big Pictures Facebook-comment-change Announcement broke scraper
  Fixed: The Big Pictures remove Hash at the end of the Description
  Changed: The usage help is now replaced by a settings "help"-section
  Cosmetic: more pep8 conformity
  Fixed: Error with external Python and os.makedirs(cachedir) with cachedir = "special://..."
  Fixed TheSacramentoBee wasn't able to get Photos
  Fixed WallStreetJournal wasn't able to get Photos

  Fixed: boston.com now needs a referer for the photosets
  Improved: Better class Inheritance
  Cosmetic: pep8 (except line length)
  Improved: The german, english and french usage instructions (and shorten them)
  Fixed: The Help now appears only on the first album or photoset

  Changed: Skin has a new Look - thanks to Jezz_X
  Changed: Skin is now animated
  Changed: Dedicated Usage-Help-Box (hides if any key is pressed)
  Added: French Translation
  Changed: Split Sourcename, Albumtitle and Picturetitle for different use in 3rd party Skins
  Improved: The toggle "showInfo" stays now in its last state
  Improved: Respect pep8 styleguide (except line length...)
  Improved: Skin XML-File is now clean

  Changed: Don't use 'os.getcwd()'
  Improved: author, name, id, version only at one place
  Improved: Make it possible for skins to override the scripts skin (thanks to Jeroen)

  Fixed: Crash/Hang when using Alaska/Rapier-Skin

  Added: The possibility to get albums/images from more than one website (switch source)
  Added: New Scraper 'Wallstreetjournal: The Photo Journal'
  Added: New Scraper 'Boston.com: The Big Shot'
  Added: New Scraper 'Sacramento Bee: The Frame'
  Changed: The Layout and content of the help texts
  Fixed: TBP-Scraper: Remove the image-number within the description text
  Fixed: TBP-Scraper: removed #-sign at the end of the picture  
  Improved: Changes to the icon.png (more padding)

  Ported to be dharma compatible by sphere (with permission of rwparris2)
  Added: German Translation
  Changed: Addon ported from plugin which called script to native script
  Added: New icon.png
  Released as plugin for camelot by rwparris2