2.0.17 (06/2014)
Import Games:
  * bugfix: flatfile scrapers were broken

2.0.16 (06/2014)
  * bugfix: Delete Rom Collection dialog did not work language independent

Import Games:
  * bugfix: nfo import was broken with new version of elementtree

2.0.15 (05/2014)
  * add autoconfig support to Edit Rom Collection dialog
  * add and update languages
  * replace elementtree module with xml.etree
  * add new string ids with ids from 32000 to 32999

2.0.14 (04/2014)
Launch Games:
  * add autoconfig support on Android

2.0.13 (03/2014)
Launch Games:
  * fixed issues with launching games on Android

2.0.12 (03/2014)
  * workaround to update button labels with empty strings in Edit Rom Collection dialog

Import Games:
  * update moby scraper: reflect changes on page

Launch Games:
  * add option to suspend audio before launching games
  * add option to toggle screen mode before launching games

2.0.11 (10/2013)
  * configure RetroPlayer support per config wizard and UI

2.0.10 (09/2013)
  * bugfix: an error occured when creating a new config file

2.0.9 (09/2013)
Import Games:
  * fix thegamesdb scraper: requests have been blocked by cloudflare
2.0.8 (09/2013)
Import Games:
  * update moby scraper: reflect changes on page

2.0.7 (06/2013)
Import Games:
  * updated list of thegamesdb platforms
  * bugfix: scraping games with (*) and [*] in name did not work in accurate mode
2.0.6 (04/2013)
  * update language files from Transifex (thanks to all translators!)
  * fixed typo in Edit Rom Collection dialog
Import Games:
  * try to scrape games with original name first (including (*) and [*])
Launch Games:
  * bugfix: check if delay parameters are available

2.0.5 (03/2013)
  * use xbmcvfs for file operations (better smb support and other improvements)
  * explicitly check for unicode characters when creating config.xml

Launch Games:
  * bugfix: launch game did not work from gameinfo screen
  * bugfix: issues with os.chdir in solo mode
  * always save viewstate before launching games

2.0.4 (03/2013)
  * added RCB to new "Game Add-ons" category in RetroPlayer branch

2.0.3 (02/2013)
  * check if RomCollections are available in config.xml. Launch config wizard if not.
  * check if games are available in MyGames.db. Launch game import if not.
  * check if we have access to rom and artwork paths. Cancel creation of config.xml if not.

Import Games:
  * always do a full reimport when in rescrape-mode
  * always do a full reimport when in local artwork-mode
  * better error handling after encoding errors during import
  * bugfix: checking subtitles during import did not work
Browse Games:
  * don't exit RCB when focus is on filter controls
  * always show game list after import. Also when import was canceled.
  * bugfix: check if database is available before gathering widget data

Launch Games:
  * add some more "intelligence" to applaunch.bat (solo mode)
  * use python 2.6 libraries for 7z handling (Windows only)
  * change working directory to emulator dir before launching game
  * libretro: added option to select gameclient manually
  * libretro: use "Edit game Command" to configure libretro cores per game

2.0.2 (02/2013)
Launch Games:
  * bugfix: better handling of skin widget and solo mode
  * moved applaunch script files to addon_data folder
  * new option: use VB script in solo mode
  * added startup delay to RCB service

2.0.1 (01/2013)
Launch Games:
  * skin widget can invoke RCB to launch games
  * experimental: libretro support

2.0.0 (01/2013)
  * Frodo version bump

1.1.2 (01/2013)
  * bugfix: asking for Platform "Other" did not work in Add Rom Collection wizard
  * bugfix: no error message was shown after Add Rom Collection wizard
  * bugfix: old config.xml structure was not updated with MAME imageplacing options

Browse Games:
  * bugfix: issues with browsing games in Aeon Nox and Frodo RC3
Launch Games:
  * bugfix: using correct json command to toggle fullscreen
  * bugfix: backward compatibility for fullscreen toggle
  * new settings: pre- and post-launch delay

1.1.1 (12/2012)
  * bugfixes due to localization changes

1.1.0 (12/2012)
  * localization

Import Games:
  * error in scrape on startup: import message did not vanish anymore

Browse Games:
  * changed logic of applying filters: 1st click applies filter, 2nd click closes filter pane

1.0.9 (11/2012)
Browse Games:
  * bugfix: MostPlayedRoms-widget in Aeon Nox caused RCB-loop on startup

1.0.8 (11/2012)
  * bugfix: script did not launch from home screen

Browse Games:
  * Frodo support: info dialog did not work anymore
  * Frodo support: change viewmode needs to be called manually since Frodo

1.0.7 (11/2012)
Browse Games:
  * add fanart and launchCommand for skins to show on home screen

1.0.6 (11/2012)
Import Games:
  * import of roms and artwork on smb shares (shares with username and password in path are not supported)
  * update archive.vg scraper to v2.0
  * bugfix: "Rom File Mask" changes after rescraping a single game
  * create artwork parent folder if not present

Browse Games:
  * Frodo support: games were not shown in Frodo nightlies (changes in addItem method)
  * provide properties of most played games for skins to show on home screen

Launch Games:
  * Frodo support: replace method executehttpapi with executejsonrpc
  * add option to exit disc selector without launching a game
  * bugfix: disc selector not working with games that have no description

1.0.5 (07/2012)
Import Games:
  * "First 10 games could not be imported." -> option to continue and ignore error (patch submitted by pantherts)
Launch Games:
  * add before and after launch command (patch submitted by carabalb)
  * select disk in multi disk scenario (patch submitted by pantherts)
  * new option to use subprocess.Popen to launch emulators
  * using %PROGRAMFILES% variable in applaunch.bat

1.0.4 (05/2012)
Import Games:
  * revert: bugfix for publisher / developer "989" caused problems

1.0.3 (05/2012)
  * open Addon settings from context menu

Import Games:
  * bugfix: error with publisher / developer "989"
  * bugfix: Import games with () in name with local single file scraper
  * change default values of "Don't import games without info / artwork"
  * re-scrape options:
    * rescrape single game
    * rescrape selection
  * new update option: don't overwrite properties with null values

1.0.2 (03/2012)
  * missing info / artwork dialog: select criteria to show or hide games with missing info / artwork
  * changed text of game description options in config wizard

Import Games:
  * bugfix: local nfo scraper did not find games with () in name
Browse Games:
  * bugfix: videos of games with "," in name did not play

0.9.9 (02/2012)
  * refactoring: move config wizard to separate module
  * refactoring: remove Camelot compatibility code
  * bugfix: remove and add Rom Collection in one turn caused errors
Import Games:
  * bugfix: import dialog is empty after "Edit offline scraper"
Launch Games:
  * bugfix: don't launch emulator if 7z file could not be extracted

0.9.8 (02/2012)
  * Add action 92 (backspace) to close dialogs
Import Games:
  * bugfix: Developer and Publisher not available in nfo files
  * set path to nfo folder
  * export nfo files on demand

0.9.7 (12/2011)
  * bugfix: loading skin files with PAL resolution might have failed

Browse Games:
  * bugfix: imageplacing option "Four small" did not work in Eden

0.9.6 (12/2011)
  * bugfix: config was not updated after Edit Rom Collection

Import Games:
  * new scraper: local artwork - don't scrape anything, just check for local artwork

Browse Games:  
  * add video support to MAME views
  * Night skin: set focus on console filter when accessing filter controls

0.9.5 (12/2011)
Import Games:
  * add archive.vg scraper to config.xml

Browse Games
  * move autoplay video from script to skin
    * add new options to "Edit Rom Collection" dialog: autoplay video
    * remove imageplacing options with video support
  * improvement of browsing and list loading performance
  * more filter control interaction: all filter controls will be updated from left to right
  * add video support to Night showcase view
  * stop video when changing filters or launch context menu
  * bugfix: fullscreen video now works auto video playback is turned on
  * bugfix: game name does not change after video playback is stopped in game info dialog

0.9.4 (11/2011)
  * little refactoring of startup code (better timing and more stability)
  * don't crash when import zlib fails (not available with some python 2.6 distributions)

Import Games:
  * new scraper: http://archive.vg

Browse Games
  * filter control interaction: update Genre, Year and Publisher filter when console is changed
  * short delay before applying filter selection
  * add background and extraImage1, 2, 3 to game info dialog
  * add console, version, perspective to game info dialog

0.9.3 (10/2011)
Browse Games:
  * support different skins for game info view
  * don't reload game list when exiting game info view

0.9.2 (10/2011)
  * ignore action id 0

Import Games:
  * add download url to nfo file
  * update thegamesdb scraper: download screenshot files
  * MAME scraper: revert change from 0.9.1

Browse Games:
  * refactor game info window
    * video in game info window
  * add skin selection in addon settings: choose between Confluence, Night and Simplicity

0.9.1 (08/2011)
  * Edit Rom Collection dialog
    -> friendly name for imageplacing options
    -> wizard for new media path
    -> default value for file mask
    -> check if config.xml has errors before writing
  * Edit offline scrapers:
    -> if descfilepergame = false: select path to game description (no file mask)
    -> wizard for new scraper
    -> select box with unused Rom Collection names
  * config wizard:
    -> if descfilepergame = false: select path to game description (no file mask)
    -> better support for standalone games
Import Games:
  * Import Options dialog
    -> checkbox: Change scrapers for this run
  * stop import on general error
  * bugfix: error with [] in rom path name (e.g. import of wrong images)
    -> changed file check order: 1) rom name 2) game name
  * bugfix: error when using exactly 2 scrapers per rom collection
  * MAME scraper: removed scraping of flyer images

Launch Games
  * support for standalone games: use "%ROM%" in emu Cmd

0.9.0 (06/2011)
  * reworked Confluence skin from PAL to 720p
  * slight usability changes in Confluence skin (navigation etc.)
Game Browsing
  * reworked game info window in Confluence skin
  * favorites function
  * search function

0.8.12 (06/2011)
  * Fixed whitespace issue on Xbox

0.8.11 (06/2011)
  * bugfix: Edit Rom Collection dialog did not save changes in 0.8.10

0.8.10 (06/2011)
  * platform.machine() caused errors on some Linux systems 

Game Import:
  * updated scraper: thegamesdb.net

0.8.9 (06/2011)
  * Eden compatibility: use xbmc.service instead of autoexec.py to perform startup tasks
  * use XBMC settings instead of status file to transfer status

0.8.7 (05/2011)
  * removed option CACHESELECTION from caching options
Game Import:
  * bugfix: error with handling [] in rom names

0.8.6 (05/2011)
  * complete "Edit Rom Collection" dialog: access all settings via UI
  * new dialog: "Edit Offline Scrapers"
  * new option: "Delete Rom Collection"
  * new option: "Clean database"
  * bugfix: fixed "autoexec.py not found" error
  * bugfix: set correct MAME properties when RC is created in local data mode

Game Import:
  * bugfix: using offline scrapers for MAME did not work

0.8.5 (04/2011)
  * using Dharma settings file as default

Game Import:
  * refactoring: code cleanup, little bug fixes, better error handling, ...
  * moved properties from Rom Collection to Scraper:
    descfilePerGame, searchGameByCRC, useFoldernameAsCRC, useFilenameAsCRC
  * support regular expressions in diskPrefix
  * stop import when all games are imported with multigame scrapers

Game Launching:
  * support direct launching of savestates
    -> specify savestatePath and saveStateParams per Rom Collection
    -> RCB checks if savestate exists and offers to launch the savestate
  * new context menu option: Edit Game Command
    -> save game specific command in database
    -> replace %GAMECMD% with game specific command when launching the game
  * moved useEmuSolo from Addon settings to Rom Collection properties (config.xml)
  * new placholders in launchEmu: %ROMFILE%, %ROMNAME%, %GAME%, %ASKNUM%, %ASKTEXT%
  * check for multi rom games in zip files before launching

0.8.4 (04/2011)
  * bug fix: adding more than 10 Rom Collections could cause database inconsistencies

0.8.3 (04/2011)
Game Import:
  * encoding error workaround (Windows only)

0.8.2 (03/2011)
  * new option: Delete Game
  * bugfix: use uppercase "\Addon"-path in autoexec.py (Windows only)

  * option "Edit Rom Collection" in context menu
  * config wizard bugfixes and improvements

Game Import:
  * background scraping: start scraping on XBMC startup
  * encoding error fixes
  * better error handling on encoding errors

0.8.1 (02/2011)
  * rework of Confluence Thumbs view

Game Import:
  * scraping options: accurate, guess matches, select matches    
  * new import options dialog (select Rom Collection, scraping mode and scrapers)
  * small fixes in MAME scraper

0.8.0 (01/2011)
  * added context menu
  * option "Add Rom Collection" available via context menu
  * reworked Confluence views

Game Import:
  * new scraper: maws.mameworld.info
  * rework of progress dialog (info about current scraper and current action)
  * bugfix: stop import when action is canceled

Game Launching:
  * detect games in zip and 7z archives and ask user which game to load

0.7.11 (12/2010)
  * no download of multiple images: check if file is available with different extension
  * bugfix: fallback images did not work in previous versions

Xbox related:
  * bugfix: Launching games on xbox was broken
  * set correct RomCollection-properties on xbox (create shortcuts, ...)
  * complete configuration can be done with the wizard (for roms and Xbox-games)

0.7.10 (12/2010)
Online Scraping
  * improvements to sequel and subtitle handling

0.7.9 (12/2010)
Online Scraping
  * scraping game information and artwork from various online sources
  * current available scrapers: thegamesdb.net, giantbomb.com, mobygames.com
  * scraped artwork types: boxfront, boxback, cartridge, screenshot and fanart
  * create local nfo files while scraping
  * option to reimport local nfo files (possibility to add or edit game properties)
  * create info files about scrape results (missing game info, mismatches)

  * startup configuration wizard (create config.xml with most common options)
  * configure global settings via Addon Settings page
  * refactoring of config.xml structure
  * config.xml will be read at every start: no need to import settings anymore

0.6.1 (08/2010)
UI and general behaviour
  * fullscreen video browser
  * implemented different caching options: CACHEALL, CACHEITEM, CACHEITEMANDNEXT
  * added character filter: select games by first character
  * skinning support: all game properties are available in the skin xml now
  * delay videoplayback for one second: better behaviour when browsing the game list
  * added log level as parameter to config.xml
  * new option: preventUnfilteredSearch
  * changed ordering in game list to case insensitive
  * support for pgup, pgdn, home, end
  * bugfix: don't restart video if we are already playing the current file

  * restructuring import methods: scan large description files game by game
  * importing games: progress update per game and not per rom collection
  * use default values for all settings: may keep config.xml more simple
  * check config.xml modification time at startup
  * new option: using foldername as crc value (useFoldernameAsCRC)
  * new option: using filename as crc value (useFilenameAsCRC)
  * ignore case when searching for media files (works also on linux)
  * limit number of subdirs when importing roms
  * bugfix: non-ascii chars in filenames during import
  * bugfix: unique constraint on game (name, romcollection)
  * bugfix: handle crc with leading zero
  * bugfix: handle game names with brackets []

Launching Games
  * xbox support: launch emulators and xbox games
  * xbox support: create cut files for xbox on the fly
  * applaunch.sh supports MacOSX (thanks to ryosaeba87)

0.5.4 (08/2010)
  * minimize XBMC before launching emulator
  * maximize XBMC after exiting emulator
  * using PAL as default resolution
  * new icon (thanks to freezy)
  * hungarian translation (thanks to alanwww1)

0.5.3 (08/2010)
  * initial Dharma version    
  * same feature set as V0.5 - just Dharma compatible

V0.5 (05/2010)
supports Camelot only
  * filter games by console, genre, year and publisher
  * launch roms with external emulator
  * configure script via xml file
  * simple but configurable description file parser
  * view different images and videos per game
  * view game plot and additional game properties